As a bidet is a piece of equipment for cleaning our most fragile part, we are always concerned about its cleanliness. As the water will touch our butt and lady bits, it is not uncommon for you to ask where bidet water comes from or if bidet water is clean.
Rest assured, bidet water is just as clean as other water in our household since it comes from the regular water supply.
We will provide more details in this post to shape you into a person who can understand every bit about the bidet water.
Where does bidet water come from?
One myth floating around is that bidet water comes from the toilet bowl, making people hesitate to use a bidet.
This is not true. The water supply to the bidet is the same as to your shower, bathtub, or sink. Whenever you buy a new bidet, it is expected that there is a T-valve or Y-valve in the package.
You need to connect it with the water hose of the toilet, allowing the water diverts to two different directions. One is to the toilet, and the other is to the bidet. The water to the bidet will be sent to the nozzles as well as stored in the bidet water reservoir if it has one.
If you are using a bidet attachment or a bidet sprayer, you may have the option to use warm water. If this is the case, the hot bidet water comes from the hot water shutoff valve connected to your home’s hot water lines.
You see, you will never touch the water from the toilet bowl or even the toilet tank when using a bidet. You are not using recycled toilet water!
Is bidet water really clean?
Technically yes. Bidet water should be as clean as the other water in your home as it is not connected with the toilet water. It will not get contaminated by the gross debris and other residues in the toilet.
However, there is an array of factors that can affect the quality of bidet water.
At first, the water quality in your area matters. Most commonly, the water treated by your city or country is good enough for you to drink directly. However, some areas only have a low-quality water supply, making the bidet water not clean. Luckily, you can work around this issue by installing a water filter.
The water lines in your house also matter. If your water lines get rusty and have a lot of scale deposits, it could add more particles in the water, which negatively affect the bidet water.
You may also worry about if the nozzles are subjected to the contaminated water in the toilet. Luckily, the manufacturers have taken this issue into account and the water coming out from the nozzle is clean.
How does a bidet ensure the water is clean?
Over time, the bidet manufacturers provide more and more features to keep the water clean, and we want to enumerate them below.
Self-cleaning nozzles
Some people are concerned about if the poo-contaminated water will accidentally splash on the nozzle (it also refers to bidet wand) and the bidet water will be polluted.
We will say this will never happen as long as the bidet wand works. When you use the toilet, the nozzle will stay behind the guard gate, and after a wash cycle, it will retreat into the bidet again.
Even better, most electric bidets come with self-cleaning nozzles. It will clean itself with water before and after each use. Some models could let you clean the nozzles on demand, and some could clean the inside.
To ensure you get clean bidet water, some brands implement new technologies such as UV sanitization and silver nanoparticles. These methods would help the nozzle stay clean.
Heated water
Electric bidets often offer heated water and bidet attachments, and sprayers get the hot water from the water heater at home.
No matter where the heated water source is from, the high temperature helps kill the bacterias in water and reduces infections on your private parts.
Water filter
You could use a water filter to sterilize the water and avoid hard water built-up, sands, and other particles. The water coming from the water supply will go through the filter before going to the bidet.
You could install it if you are using an attachment, a sprayer, or a bidet seat. As you know, using a bidet is safe for women. If the tap water is not clean, using a water filter could effectively prevent infections.
You could check these water filters we recommend.
Some high-end electric bidets or bidet toilet combos could sterilize the water itself. It means the water coming out from the nozzles will be cleaner than the tap water.
For example, a few high-end TOTO washlets could produce electrolyzed water which is safe to drink, help to kill the bacterias, and prevent built-ups. It could make sure the water used to wash your fragile skin will not cause health issues.
Do you need to install a bidet water filter for clean water?
It depends. If the water in your area is clean without too many built-ups, you could use a bidet without a water filter. However, if you feel the water is not clean from the water supply, a water filter would improve the water quality to some extent and extend the lifespan of your bidet.
If you are a girl or a woman, we recommend you get one to avoid any infections caused by dirty water. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Until now, we answered a few critical questions about the bidet water. Bidet water is clean and comes from the standard water supply. It is the same as the water from your sink or bathtub.
It is not the recycled water from the toilet and the water diverted to the toilet and bidet separately by using a T-connector.
You could use a water filter or buy a high-end bidet to improve the quality of bidet water one step further.